Understanding how unexpected injuries can affect a person and their family, we compassionately represent the injured in their claims with a specialty in assisting those who are injured in serious automobile and trucking collisions. Since opening the Firm in 1999, we have represented many families who were affected by wrongful death or catastrophic injuries to loved ones.
Successfully resolving an injury claim requires practical knowledge of dealing with medical providers, health insurers, a client’s own automobile insurer, and government agencies. Since our firm also focuses on special needs trusts, probate law, and criminal law, we are in a unique position to provide full legal assistance to those injured by the actions of others.
Please see our Client Testimonials on this site to hear more from clients we have recently helped.
We have represented clients in hundreds of lawsuits and trials, whether in Federal Court, Superior Court, State Court, Probate Court, Juvenile Court or Magistrate Court. We understand the significant financial and emotional expense associated with a lawsuit and seek to find cost-effective solutions to disputes. From business contract disputes to landlord-tenant disputes, we have an experienced team ready to assist clients with the legal process.
From forming corporations, LLC’s, and non-profits to drafting contracts and negotiating sales and purchases of businesses, our Firm provides full-service legal help to clients. As a small business, our Firm understands the complexity of running a business and making sure that governmental and insurance obligations are complied with. For instance, when forming a corporation or LLC for a client, we take our time exploring how to limit the liability of individual owners by avoiding common mistakes made by business owners. With an emphasis on simplifying the business structure to accomplish a business’s goals, we take pride in watching our clients flourish in the community.
The Firm drafts Wills, Advanced Directives, Power of Attorneys and Trusts for individuals of differing economic backgrounds and family situations. It is our belief that Estate Planning is vital in today’s medical and legal environments, both to protect your choice of beneficiaries and to protect your desired medical treatment. The Firm also guides clients through the probate process, including the appointment of Executors, Administrators, Guardianships and Conservators for an estate, the administration of a decedent’s estate, the administration of the estate of a ward whose incapacity is due to a disability or due to age, and litigation before the Probate Court.
Having represented hundreds of clients since our Firm was formed, we provide a vigorous defense to clients charged with a crime by ensuring that they are treated fairly and respectfully. Whether charges are brought in Superior Court, State Court, Probate Court, Magistrate Court or Municipal Court, our Firm represents clients in charges ranging from traffic citations to misdemeanors, including DUI and theft charges, to serious felony cases. We take seriously our responsibility of holding the State accountable according to the Constitutional safeguards intended to protect the accused. With a strong success rate in jury trials, we carefully counsel clients to advise the best course of action in successfully resolving cases.
At Rountree Law, justice is not an abstract term. It’s something we create every day for our clients. If you’re injured or accused there are enough people who take your money. We’re here to help you get it back. Need a personal injury, civil litigation or a criminal defense attorney? How about wills, trusts, estates and or a small business lawyer? Call us today!
Contact Us
27 Courthouse Square
Dallas, Georgia 30132